No one's around, but the map says "you are here"

I hear it in your silence, when you don't speak
What was funny then, isn't funny anymore
I can hear it in your voice, there's always a catch
We're going nowhere, and we're going there fast.
Anything to watch while we are waiting for this Apocalypse.
What more is there to do?
It's nice to be important, but so close to being despised
It's more important to be nice, I guess, than being wise.
I'll take your shoppin', I'll take you dancing too
I'll take you out, all the things you want to do
I'll give you diamonds, and I'll give you space
So be with anyone you want, it's alright with me.
Our time is over
Don't you know that if a time-warp was open
I'd stay right in my place
That war is over.
I hear it in your silence, when you don't speak
There is a quiet crying rage, burning inside you so deep
I'll give you anything, but I'll give you problems
So be with anyone you want, it's alright with me.
I hear it in your voice, can see it in your lips
There's always a catch... I guess that's alright with me
No one's around, but the map says "you are here"
Now I can hear loneliness screaming in my ear.
And so it is, just like i said it would be. life goes easy on me, most of the time..

What the fuck was i thinking?

Åh vilken söndag, helt perfekt! Vaknade upp av solen, låg och drog mig i nån timme. Åt frukost och kollade på Scrubs. Sedan fick jag ryck, jag började städa hela mitt rum.Det är otroligt att jag börjar städa frivilligt när jag egentligen behöver plugga. Jag gör allt för att skjuta upp pluggandet. Det är så det går tll hos mig, jag skjuter upp allt. Jag säger det ännu en gång, jag är en riktig jävla prokastinerare. That´s what i do best.
Garderoben städades. Bad pappa hjälpa mig ta bort min säng och byta ut den mot bäddsoffan. Fick omkring på tunga madrasser fram och tillbaka, flytta på sängarna, ta bort nattduksbord och montera klädstång. Mitt rum blev perfekt! Sovhörna, plugghörna, fashionhörna med klädstång och skor uppradade. Jag är jätte nöjd! Efter 3 timmars städande blev det engelskaplugg och sån skit. Sitter fortfarande och skriver engelska glosor, helt otroligt. Jag hatar engelska C.
Äsh, men jag är glad ändå.
Everything´s magic

So hear this please
And watch as your heart speeds up endlessly
And look for the stars as the sun goes down
Each breath that you take has a thunderous sound
Everything, everything's magic
Just sit back and hold on, but hold on tight
Prepare for the best and the fastest ride
And reach out your hand, and I'll make you mine
Everything, everything's magic
Next time it's your turn to save me

Stop smoking those cigarettes, baby
Next time it's your turn to save me
Splash some water on your little face 'cause:
You're a mess, you're a mess, you're a mess!
The way I'm feeling yeah, it got me feeling really bad

I'm not crazy
I'm sure I ain't done nothing wrong, no
I'm just waiting
'Cause I heard that this feeling
won't last that long
Never ever have I ever felt so low
When you gonna take me out of this black hole?
Never ever have I ever felt so sad
The way I'm feeling yeah, it got me feeling really bad
Never ever have I had to find
I've had to dig away to find my own peace of mind
I've Never ever had my conscience to fight
The way I'm feeling, yeah, I just don't feel right
I'll keep searching
Deep within my soul
For all the answers
Don't wanna hurt no more
I need peace, got to feel at ease
Need to be.
Free from pain - going insane
My heart aches
Sometimes vocabulary runs through my head
The alphabet runs right from A to Zed
Conversations, hesitations in my mind
You got my conscience asking questions that I can't find
Stone cold sober

119 miles an hour,
I'm in a whole other dimension,
Dancing doubles on the floor,
You think I'm crazy, a little bit hazy,
But I'm stone cold sober
If I had you here, I'd clip your wings

Now this applies both equally to you and I
The only thing we share
Is the same sky
These empty metaphors
They're all in vain
Like can't you see the grass is greener where it rains