Love love love...

There'll be girls across the nation that will eat this up babe .I know that it's your soul but could you bottle it up and get down to the heart of it .No,it's my heart you're shit out of your luck. Don't make me tell you again my love love love love. I am aiming to be somebody.This somebody trusts with her delicate soul. So could you kindly shut up and get started. Aw please,little darlin'  you're killing me sweetly with love love love love. Started as a flicker meant to be a flame. Skin has gotten thicker but it burns the same. Still a baby in a cradle got to take my first fall. Baby's getting next to nowhere with her back against the wall. You meant to make me happy,make me sad. Want to make it better ,better so bad. But save your resolutions for your never new year. There is only one solution I can see here. Only gonna get get what you give away -Love.

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