And I take you out to shake it tonight

Hot lips I do like you
Yes every word is true
I really like you
You make me feel so cool
I wanna be you
To see what you is lik
To feel how it feels
To be kissed by love
And I tell them all about you
And I take you out to shake it tonight
I'm the best thing that could come with a girl
'Cause I'll shine on you
Darkness sheltered my act a poet of the night
I live in the pussle
And you're my missing piece
You make it it supreme
My evening's so complete
when we hit the streets to go downtown
And I tell them all about you
And I take you out to shake it tonight
I'm the best thing that could come with a girl
'Cause I'll shine on you
Hot lips
It's in your rhythm
You shake and I shake too
It's all in the rhythm
I love it when you move
The magic you spread 
 that glitters down on me
right now will make wonders to my world
And I tell them all about you
And I take you out to shake it tonight
I'm the best thing that could come with a girl
'Cause I'll shine on you I shine on you

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