Got the world spinnin' 'round inside my palm

I want you, do you want me too?

I have one question; can i help you?

Now watch me what i do

Now thank you for coming through my drive-thru

When you're haunted by the demons that'll never let you rest

Not shy in front of crowds but shy in front of just one guest

Not dumb enough to win at their game

But not smart enough to dumb it down and take it away

It's black & white like space at night

If you wanna be like us you better work every night

One question; what's your impression

Now with a walk like mine, i'm a big presence

So make your move real slow, my mind's a weapon

I said just move in slow ,no second guessing

I find your approach so adolescent

I may look young but your game is prepubescent

So watch my feet i'm known for my quick steppin'

You wanna keep up gotta show me somethin'

Look at all the leaders

Hanging in the playground

Always beating up the weaker ones

The answer to the question

That i don't understand

Is a word that i have never heard

You think happiness is watching tv all night long

You dig the job of dealing you're the people in this song

Well i am here to change your goal

I regret everything i've done

You wonder ;how do i inspire

Got the world spinnin' 'round inside my palm

Don't hate me, you know they got you wired

You better short circuit be your own program

'cause we all wanna dance just wanna dance

Dance we wanna dance just wanna dance 

I want so bad to dance with you

Don't waste your time with one or two

The time is right the, summer night

You fall in love at every light

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