I´ll try my luck with you!

And storefronts rarely changed
At least I'm on my own again
Instead of anywhere with you

But, to me, it's all the same

And I lost my page. Again
I know this is so rare
But, I'll try my luck with you
This life is on my side
Well, I am your one?
"Believe me, this is a chance,"

Let's see what's for sale
He's trying hard to give his job a chance
Oh, it's never gonna be
It's sad, but I agree
The signals don't seem right
They last for just one night, and then
I'm sorry that I said:
"That we were just good friends"

And I lost my page again
I know this is so rare
But, I'll try my luck with you
This life is on my side
Well, I am your one?
"Believe me, this is a chance,"

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