Bryan looked for love, but I want more

1, 2, 3, 4 No, I want more 5, 6, 7 It's not OK
How come you taste so good?
This time I'm really hooked
It's half past ten, it's getting late
But the night is young and I can't wait
You know I like it loud
You should know me by now
Something sweet or something strong
Seems like love no longer can turn me on
Like boy need girl and girl need boy
Got a nasty habit called rock'n'roll
But you don't know what it's like
I've done things you've only dreamed about
More than once or twice
It keeps me up at night
Jump up, bubble up, what's in store?
Bryan looked for love, but I want more
I found another beat, there's no time for sleep
So you can call the police
I'm sorry 'bout my manners, but you see,
I'm a bit drunk as you can see
I bet you would like to undress me...........

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