Oh, she´s only 17!

Oh she's only seventeen..... Whine whine whine, weep over everything.Bloody Mary breakfast busting up the street. Brothers fighting, when's the baby gonna sleep.Heaving ship too sails away. It's a culmination of a story and a goodbye session.It's a tick of our time and the tick in her head that made me feel so strange.So I could call you baby, I could call you, dammit, it's a one in a million .Oh it's the rolling of your Spanish tongue that made me wanna stay...

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Postat av: Sofie

snyyggggt!! menar du att hon på bilden bara är 17 eller gillar du bara låten? :P have it

2009-02-20 @ 10:52:26
URL: http://sofiejonssson.blogspot.com/

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