
Jag visste att det fanns en låt som kunde få mig på bättre humör ..nånstans i min ipod!
Hittade lyricsen:

Sometimes it's gonna be days like this
Sometimes it's gonna be rain like this

Sometimes you're gonna feel pain like this
Sometimes you gotta work hard for it
Because when u feeling low
And u cant get no lower
That's when u know your close
Sometimes u gotta work hard for it

Woke up in the morning It's another cloudy day
But that never mattered too much to me
'Cause it's still a new beginning
And I know I got it in me
Had my share of ups and downs
But now I know I can do anything

Some people think I'm aggressive
'Cause I know what I want
But that never mattered too much to me

Show me some body with no goal
Show me some body with no control
'Cause life is for living
So go and get it

When times get rough remember:
Sometimes it's gonna be days like this
Sometimes it's gonna be rain like this
Sometimes you're gonna feel pain like this
Sometimes you gotta work hard for it

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