This solution is beyond my sorry mind

Should I drink another drink
See another light
I know that you may think
That I'm a broken little bird in my mind

Cause I'm falling on the floor
I'm climbing up the walls
And everytime I get a grip
I seem to lose myself just a little more

Cause I am here and it eats me up
Well, I love the way it feels
I really shouldn't stay
But I can't give up
The more it hurts, the more I need

Should I drink another drink
Am I running out of time
Confusion makes me think
This solution is beyond my sorry mind

Cause I am here and it eats me up
Well, I love the way it feels
I really shouldn't stay
But I can't give up
The more it hurts, the more I need

It's like an addiction
And I just can't break free tonight

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